“My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there. ”
–C.F. Kettering
As independent market researchers who are passionate about bringing forth insights that live beyond the data, Orman Guidance persists in focused analyses of consumer behaviors and attitudes in industries, such as healthcare, education, finance, transportation. Companies who possess Orman’s full-bodied reports say they are better positioned for profitable scenarios because they arise from in-depth Research & Guidance studies of consumers’ desires.
Our President, Rosemary Sundin, recently sat down with Minnesota Business Magazine to highlight eight industry mega-trends for 2016. Here’s a preview:
Community-based models like Uber will continue to fascinate consumers for myriad reasons. On the other end of the spectrum, the councils that govern public transportation have (so far) either mixed results or outright failed at consumer engagement with that service. Very little has been published on the utilization rates of public transportation. A boost in research budgets to understand consumer preferences would create many opportunities for higher utilization rates and a GREEN ripple effect.
This sector will keep trying to get its act together via “SMAC” (social media engagement, mobile, analytics [i.e. big data] and cloud systems). Industry Week says it’s what manufacturers need to balance infrastructure changes to heighten consumer engagement and growth. It is another example of the arbitrary value companies place on such models — without the benefit of study into how well the consumer is engaged.
Read the entire feature article here. Thank you to Kevyn Burger and Minnesota Business Magazine for the opportunity to contribute to the discussion!
The new year is just around the corner. To continue the conversation about trends in 2016 with Rosemary, give her a call at 952-831-4911.