Okay, so what exactly is “market research”?
To understand market research, it’s important to know that companies are self-conscious entities that want to know their products and services will be loved by consumers before releasing them into the marketplace. Companies want to be confident in what they’re selling! Market research creates the opportunity for consumers to give their input on products before they hit the stores. Consumers are given a taste of the “batter” before the cake is baked and ready.
Why so serious?
Over the phone and through email, we send “respondents” (consumers who participate in market research) a lot of “fine print” about their privacy, previous marketing research experience, and the “firm commitment” to participate.
What’s all that about, anyway?
Let’s begin with privacy. In the course of a market research study, respondents give out a lot of personal information they normally wouldn’t disclose except with close friends or family. We greatly appreciate respondents sharing their views and opinions, and we want them to feel comfortable doing so. Personal privacy is more important than ever in the digital age, and we want you to know your information is held in the strictest confidence.
Why can’t I know the client and more about the research?Companies spend big bucks designing products, brands, or new services, and they want their ideas kept out of the hands of competitors! Keeping the client anonymous and their motives for the research somewhat secretive is a way of preventing intellectual theft. Employees work hard on designing the latest and greatest, and they want to be the first one to introduce it to consumers. If Apple leaked information about their new iPhone well before it was out on the market, their competitors could design similar products and beat them to the punch. Companies avoid disclosing more about their new goods than necessary. Of course, you (the respondent) and the client are partners in the research, so a certain level of trust is required.
We can’t do it without you!
At Orman Guidance Research, we know we need you more than you need us. We respect your time, opinions, and privacy, and want you to feel as comfortable as possible when you participate in our studies. Let us know how we’re doing, what you like about us, and suggest ways we could improve. We encourage you to read the Respondent Bill of Rights.
Questions, concerns, or comments? Give us a call! (952) 831-4911.